Sunday, 29 July 2007


Its the morning after the Saturday night before. People are slowly waking up in their tents after the torrential downpour of last night but thankfully the sun is now out and the ground is starting to dry up. As is the tradition with the Folk Festival, BBC Radio 4's The Archers is currently blasting out through the speakers on Stage 1, a nice chilled way to start the day.

We were too busy dancing to Toots and the Maytals last night to update the blog, so lets backdate a little with this pic of Joan Baez from her set last night, who wowed a captivated crowd. She also made an unexpected appearance earlier in the day when she got up on stage to dance alongside a bemused gypsy band Fanfare Ciocarlia - a real treat for the Festival crowd (although we are not sure that the band realised who she was!).

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